Monday, October 12, 2015

Here is a FACT that some people are aware of but a large majority of people don't know Anything about . . . .  

The U.S. Dollar is going to Collapse for sure:  It's NOT a matter of "IF" but it's a matter of "WHEN"

So since this is True, here's A Serious Question that Anyone who is reading this information needs to Really Think about: 

If the U.S. dollar was declared as worthless tomorrow, what would you do?  

  • Do you have a plan to take care of your family and those you love?
  • Do you have an alternative currency to provide a living for your family, yourself & those you love on a Daily basis?
 If your answer is No, you're not alone, I didn't either.  But Good News, Now I do and you can too.

But before getting into what I found let me say this, although there are a Thousands who, as I mentioned before, don't know Anything about the Dollar's collapse.  There are literally Thousands of others who either don't believe anything is wrong or are just not taking this situation seriously at all.  

You have a choice now, you can be like those I just mentioned who are basically REACTIVE, meaning they wait for something to happen and then they rush in a panic asking, "What Can I Do?"

But you can be different and be PROACTIVE preparing yourself & your loved ones Now from the financial catastrophe that will take these Reactive people, mentioned above, by complete surprise.   

Here's a video that shows "The Problem" with the Dollar and why Everyone should take this situation we are now facing Very Seriously and Not Deny What We See Happening Before our eyes: (25 min.) Don't Skip Watching!!

So since the Dollar will be going away, what will we do for money?  

Another Great question, well some years ago Crypto currency or Digital Currency came into existence.  And when it did, a New Phenomenon happened:  It is a Specific digital currency that just took off and changed the financial lives of many called Bitcoin.  

Never heard of these terms before?  If not, NO Worries.  To find out what Cryptocurrency & Bitcoins are, just click below for a brief explanation of both terms:   

Now you might be thinking to yourself, "Okay Ivan, I understand & I agree this is Very Serious; and I now understand what Bitcoin & Crypto currency is:  But what can I do now?"  Great Question, below is some information that I learned about & after doing my Due Diligence, I decided to act on; and now I'm prepared for when the dollar does collapse.  I learned about a company that will Launch any day now and it has NEVER been done before.  

BUT before you get nervous and run thinking, "Oh it's another one of those Homebusinesses!!"  I'm going to share something with you that EVERYONE reading right now will Absolutely love:
  • Is Free To Join 
  • You Don't Have To Buy Monthly Product to Get Paid
  • There is No Monthly Autoship taken out of your Bank Account, so you're not stressed out about what's going to be taken out of it!! 
And you'll also get Free-Mart coins which will give you a way to start protecting your money when the Dollar collapses and you can feel at ease knowing that you & your loved ones are protected. (Free-Mart coins are an updated version of the Bitcoin digital currency)

NOW is your time to both Position & Protect yourself & your family!!  WHY?


This is a Great Opportunity to Finally Take Care of your Family as the video above said.  Don't Procrastinate, Take Action NOW!! This is NOT about me but about you having the opportunity to make the financial future for you & those you Love Beautiful!!

Learn more by visiting the website below:
If you have questions or want to be a part of this 
Great Company 
Call Ivan (228) 265-3696

If I can be of service or if you have questions.  Feel free to call me at the number shown above or below.

Take care!!

Concerned About YOU & Those You Love,
Ivan Harris, Sr. "Biz Consultant & Life Coach"
(228) 265-3696